Friday, August 15, 2008

Caught in the Shuffle

Some weeks ago, I had something happen to me that straddled the line between amusing and embarrassing. Although I was in a rather… well, sticky situation, one of my first thoughts (as is so often the case) was: can I get a blog out of this?

Well, reliable sources very close to me persuaded me that some things are best left unsaid/unwritten. After all, there are some topics that any conversationalist – and I’m counting this forum in that category – should probably avoid… including those you might describe as TMI.

I also seek to avoid MEGO (that is, My Eyes Glaze Over). I could certainly regale you with the exploits of my fantasy baseball team – if only I got points for injuries! – or perhaps relate the story of the latest work crisis (thanks to mobile technology, you can actually have a conference call, send e-mails, and cook dinner at the same time… oh, and “parent”, advisedly in quotes). I can only hope that I don’t reach that point with Tales of the iPod.

It would be an exaggeration to say the iPod has changed my life… but not a vast one. So far I’ve ripped all my CDs, a good pile of LPs, and I’ve gotten a nice start on my cassettes as well. In fact, I’m coming up on 1000 songs (having added over 100 since I wrote the first draft of this piece)!

One of the great things about iPod technology is that it allows you to parse out your music in so many different ways: by artist, by album, by genre; even make up your own playlist arranged any way that suits your fancy. However, virtually all the time I use it, I choose shuffle mode – in which the songs come up in more or less random order.

This is more than a little ironic, because I chose not to buy the much cheaper iPod Shuffle principally because I wanted to control the order… or thought I did. But apparently I could’ve saved a pile of money (if they get any cheaper, they’ll be sticking them in boxes of cereal). Of course, if they did, you’d be in danger of eating it by mistake anyway, since it’s not much bigger than a Mini-Wheat. Which is another reason I didn’t buy it: I figured it was too small to handle or keep track of.

I guess I should’ve known that shuffle mode was the preferred option for me, since it eliminates the necessity to choose – an activity I’m known to avoid when possible. Especially when there are more than 900 options to choose from.

It also adds an extra layer of excitement due to the irony of juxtaposition. Ever have 2 friends you really liked, but you didn’t really want them in the same room because they were too different to get along? My collection is pretty much equal parts '70s rock and recent Christian music. OK, I’ll admit that the “rock” side of the house is not exactly heavy metal … but on the other hand, '70s radio hits (like much of the '70s in general) are not known for displaying a significant spiritual side. I’m not counting this one. Well, OK, I think this guy tried, but I’m not sure anyone got it:

Read Do Right lyrics

As a result, I hear some interesting contrasts as illustrated by the following sequences from a recent shuffle:

So when the worlds collide, it sure makes it look like my iPod was programmed with a rather mischievous sense of humor.

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